Hello world!


Through this medium I intend to keep a record of our upcoming trip around Oz. That is, if I can get the hang how it all works. Family, friends and anyone interested can keep track of us. This is intended to be a two-way forum, so please let us know whats going on in your world.

I will try hard to write for both of us, as those of you who know Jan will understand that she will be more of a spectator than a participant in this technology.

Jan & David Laugher on Sydney Harbour Bridge Nov 08. Don't you just love those flattering outfits!  'Thanks Brianna & Rodney for the great Xams present - now try to top it'

Jan & David Laugher on Sydney Harbour Bridge Nov 06. Don't you just love those flattering outfits! 'Thanks Brianna & Rodney for the great Xmas present - now try to top it'


  1. Jeanette Theyers Said,

    December 8, 2008 @ 7:22 am

    Hello Jan and David
    June rang last night and gave me your web page address so thought I would have a look and leave a message. Sounds like you are travelling well. Makes me feel envious – we were up that way in July last year (but only for 2 weeks) – have found memories of the trail you are on. It’s 8.20 on Monday morning and I am at work. Hope you are both fit and well and enjoying the travelling.

  2. Jeanette Theyers Said,

    December 8, 2008 @ 7:23 am

    and I forgot to say Happy Christmas and all that and have fun!

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